Friday, November 13, 2009

A little tip for converting TMX to TXT for Trados TM using SDLX

Sometimes I receive TMX files as TM or glossary files. For more convenient use of TMX files, we want to convert it to .txt or .csv files. Here is a little tip to convert TMX file to Trados txt file using SDLX.

First you need SDLX installed on your system and TMX file to covert.

1. Launch SDLX and click Maintain on the SDLX launch pad.

2. Create new SDLX translation memory which is currently empty.

3. Import TMX file to this empty SDLX translation memory.

4. Now the SDLX TM has all the translation information of TMX file. Export all these information to Trados txt format.

See? It's a piece of cake!