Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Use Trados TagEditor to edit format paintings on itd files

It is still difficult to edit format paintings on itd files for many translators and editors. It is pretty sad that it's very hard to change the order of format painting on itd files with SDLX eidtor. Using TRADOS TagEditor, however, you can edit format painting as you want. To do this, I normally take following steps:
  1. After editing, I check spelling and consistency issues on the file and, save the file after make sure everything's fine.
  2. Click "Exchange" on the SDLX control pad. The Exchange dialog box is popped up.
  3. Choose converting SDLX files to TRADOS TagEditor files on the drop-down list.
  4. Drag the itd file that you want to convert to the TagEditor file to the window and click OK.
  5. Now you can see the ttx file on the same location and all format paintings on the itd file is displayed as tags on the ttx file, so you can edit these tags and change orders of these tags. Save the file once every thing's fixed.
  6. Chose harvest translations from ttx file to itd files on the drop-down list on the Exchange dialog box. Drag the fixed and saved ttx file to the window and then click OK.
  7. Now you can see the format painting order has changed on the itd file as you want.
This might be complicated to use for some people but it's the most available measure to use for now.

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